• Esssay Writing: 5 Tips for Online Research
    12th April 2010

    When you are running out of time to write your essay or prepare your masters dissertation and you have been struggling to find the books you need for research. At times like this, the internet can seem like a sensible place to search. However, much of the time when you scan hurriedly through the internet for valuable and focused study material, it is hard to find anything relevant. How do you overcome this problem?

  • Shine! Award Celebrates International Students
    09th April 2010

    Beginning in 2002, the British Council has been highlighting the importance of foreign students to the UK through the Shine! – International Student Award. Over the years more than 12,500 students have applied for the award.

  • Essay writing skills: What is brainstorming?
    08th April 2010

    We’re often asked to ‘brainstorm’ before we start on an essay writing task or other assignment, but what exactly does this mean?

    Brainstorming is a creative technique for coming up with a solution to a problem. It became popular in the 1940s and is now commonly used in academic and work environments. If you’re not sure what should go into your essay, you would write down your ideas on paper or maybe straight into a Word file if you prefer working on a computer. It’s a way of gathering all your ideas and working out what you already know about that subject. You will often find you know more than you think.

  • Essay Writing Hints: Signposting
    08th April 2010

    Take a look at the following passage. It demonstrates what happens when you ignore the importance of signposting:-

    Professor Jo Carter is a renowned expert on forensic science, however, she is better known for her crime writing mysteries. She first began writing in the ‘Whodunnit?’ genre when she was studying for her PhD, but it wasn’t until her fourth novel, and the introduction of the popular Chief Inspector Matthius that she sprang to fame.