As Ofqual announces changes to four key GCSE subjects, intended to make exams tougher, we look at the reasons behind the decision and whether or not it will be effective.
As the dust clears from this year’s bumper crop of GCSE results, more statistics come to light about the popularity of traditional academic subjects. Some trends are very surprising indeed…
As examination board AQA unveils plans to introduce a new ‘super’ A* with distinction, we question the valididty and wisdom of introducing such levels of elitism to the academic system. Will they pick out the best and brightest students, or just those who are good at following the rules, and will they discriminate against state school pupils?
Our final Custom Essays blog tackles the common ‘close reference’ essay question. With top tips on content, format and structure, you will be glad to have this custom essay up your sleeve in the exam room! Good luck!
In the latest of our ‘custom essays’ blog series, we bring you a custom essay format for those common ‘For and Against’ style essay questions. With tips on all you need to include and a carefully designed essay structure, arm yourself for typical exam questions in advance!
Our third custom essay blog looks at the ideal essay format for answering ‘How does the writer…?’ style exam questions. We look at what information should be included and how it should be structured for top exam grades every time.