10,000 words or more, researched and custom-written to your exact specifications.
The discussion section of your dissertation is the heart of your thesis. It's a challenging section, and our academic writers can help you get it right.
Our network of writers includes 3,000 top academics who can guide you on the discussion section of your dissertation, regardless of your subject. Your order will be written exactly to your specifications: whatever your university asks for, we can deliver
The discussion is the section where you state your interpretations and opinions and explain the implications of your findings. Another key function of the discussion section is to answer the questions you asked in your introduction. It's a lot to do in one section. Our expert academic writers can help you map out your discussion and make sure all the important details are in place.
Think of our academics as guides showing you the way. The model dissertation discussion your academic produces should function as a map for your own ideas. Use it to see how best to frame your work, and how to make this section flow. Then, once you understand what you're aiming for, you can write your own dissertation discussion.
A lot of essay writing services make big promises, but when you need to speak with someone they are nowhere to be found. That's not how we work at Oxbridge Essays. You can contact our academic consultants by email, phone, Whatsapp or chat whenever you have questions. And if you upgrade your order to include direct contact with your academic, you can share ideas and provide feedback in your dissertation discussion.
No matter the level and complexity of your assignment, ordering a dissertation discussion online and getting it delivered when you need is simple.
Our prices vary according to the standard requested and delivery requirements. The calculator below shows you prices for 10-day delivery.
We offer a variety of flexible payment options to suit every budget. With our partner Klarna, you can choose at checkout to pay in 3 interest-free instalments, pay in full within 30 days, or spread the cost with monthly payments. If Klarna is not available in your country, our academic consultants will be happy to arrange an interest-free payment plan with you.
Learn more about our range of hassle-free payment options
I've already written my dissertation – can you help me with proofreading?
Yes, certainly. We have dedicated dissertation proofreading and editing services to help make sure your dissertation is flawless and submission-ready. Or, if you want to go a step further to help realise your dissertation's full potential, you can use our academic editing service
Is it a problem if my dissertation topic/focus is very specialised?
Not at all – we’ve worked hard over many years to build a network of academic mentors covering all topics and specialisms, no matter how niche or complex. From Actuarial Science to Equine Dentistry to Naval Architecture, there are no topics, university courses or research focuses that are too specialised. If you have a specific question about the topic of your dissertation, you’re welcome to contact us before placing your order.
Is using your dissertation writing service considered cheating?
We get asked this often, but using our service as per our Fair Use Policy is not cheating. We know that there are companies out there who will write your dissertation for you (often to a sub-par standard), but we provide the highest quality model dissertations. This means the work you receive, whilst it will be 100% original and written just as a student would, is not intended for you to submit as your own. You can use it as a valuable tool to vastly improve your own understanding and writing ability.
10,000 words or more, researched and custom-written to your exact specifications.
Targeted help with any chapter of your dissertation, including stats and analysis.
Narrow your focus with 3-5 dissertation titles and a supporting review for each.