A map to follow to get the grades you need. Includes key points, arguments and sources.
Count on the expertise of our academic writers. There's no easier way to get your dissertation off to a strong start.
Expect a model that has the level of detail, sentence structure and logical flow your university is looking for. We won't let you down.
Our selection process is extremely competitive; we hire just 4% of the academic writers who apply to work with us. You can be assured that your work is in the hands of our most experienced writers, who will research and write a compelling dissertation introduction example you can use as a model.
We encourage you to upgrade your dissertation help to include direct contact with your academic, which will give you a chance to ask questions, review the work and contribute your own ideas.
It can be tough to ask for help, and we understand people may feel sensitive about it. This is why, when you ask for support from Oxbridge Essays, your privacy and anonymity are protected throughout the process.
No matter the level and complexity of your assignment, ordering a dissertation introduction online and getting it delivered when you need is simple.
Prices for our dissertation help and services vary according to the standard requested and delivery requirements. The calculator below shows you prices for 10-day delivery.
We offer a variety of flexible payment options to suit every budget. With our partner Klarna, you can choose at checkout to pay in 3 interest-free instalments, pay in full within 30 days, or spread the cost with monthly payments. If Klarna is not available in your country, our academic consultants will be happy to arrange an interest-free payment plan with you.
Learn more about our range of hassle-free payment options
Can I speak directly with the academic working on my dissertation?
Of course, and we actively encourage you to. For complex projects like dissertations, speaking directly with your academic to ask questions and collaborate can be especially useful. When placing your order, select the Consultation Call upgrade to include a 30-minute call with the academic we match you with based on your project requirements. If you would like more than one call please speak with your academic consultant who will be happy to help.
Is it a problem if my dissertation topic/focus is very specialised?
Not at all – we’ve worked hard over many years to build a network of academic mentors covering all topics and specialisms, no matter how niche or complex. From Actuarial Science to Equine Dentistry to Naval Architecture, there are no topics, university courses or research focuses that are too specialised. If you have a specific question about the topic of your dissertation, you’re welcome to contact us before placing your order.
I've already written my dissertation – can you help me with proofreading?
Yes, certainly. We have dedicated dissertation proofreading and editing services to help make sure your dissertation is flawless and submission-ready. Or, if you want to go a step further to help realise your dissertation's full potential, you can use our academic editing service